
Funky Square Pattern and ‘Cabbage’ Effect
Sylwia Anna Jozwiak shows how to create the square pattern and a purple barrel cake that has famously become known as ‘the cabbage cake’ at the April 2017 Cake International Show in Alexandra Palace, London.
Masha and the Bear by Orietta Bosso
Watch how to model these Masha and the Bear characters from Saracino Modelling Paste. Tutorial includes modelling hands, faces and clothes. Hand painting and dusting techniques.

Wafer Paper by Valentina Graniero
Learn how to easily cover the cake with Saracino patterned Wafer Paper, Valentina will also show you how to make an easy Wafer Paper rose to decorate your cake.
Mermaid by Mary Torte
Learn how to model the mermaid using Saracino modelling paste. Tutorial includes making face, body, arms, hands and hair. Use different modelling tools and techniques. Also learn hand painting techniques. .

Doll Modelling by Silvia Mancini
Learn how to model the doll using Saracino modelling paste. Tutorial includes making clothing, face, arms and hands. Use different modelling tools and techniques.
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