One day class at: Llanrumney Library 28 September 2019
9:00 – 17:00
The class is suitable for all level sugarcrafters:
You will:
– Decorate a cake board using different techniques
– Stack and carve a real cake and give it a Yorkshire terrier shape
– Ganache a cake
– Cover and texturize the cake and give it a realistic appearance
– Use modelling techniques to give the Yorkshire terrier a natural appearance
– Colour the cake with airbrush
You will take a delicious chocolate cake at home, to your family and friends
Class Fee:£170
All materials and equipment for this class will be provided.
Light lunch, Tea/Coffee Provided.
This class has limited places and must be booked in advance.
To buy your ticket, please call or email Zlatina at:
Tel: 0785330 6534
Make all checks payable to: ZL Cake Boutique
SORT CODE: 52-21-07