Skill level: BEGINNERS

You will need:

For the cakeboard:

  • Cake board 20x20cm
  • 200g  Saracino white Pasta Top
  • Edible glue –  Saracino Cake Gel 
  • Big brush
  • PDF print on Saracino wafer paper or icing sheet – download HERE

For the cake:

  • Print the template – download HERE
  • Two cakes of 15cm wide and 8cm deep minimum
  • 600g of chocolate ganache
  • A knife and a cake leveler
  • Two large round cookie cutters 10cm and 8cm each
  • Saracino Pasta Top sugar paste: 500g pastel yellow (mix 250g yellow with 250g white), 200g dark pink, 100g black

To make the pencils:

  • Saracino Pasta Model: 20g of each following colour: purple (dark), mauve (mix purple with a little white), yellow, orange, green, 50g blue and 50g pink (for pastel colors, always mix the colors with a bit of white), 50g beige (mix a little brown with white, and make two different beiges)
  • Modelling tools
  • Extruder
  • Rolling pin
  • Small circle 2cm and oval 2cm cookie cutters
  • Piping nozzles No. 5 and No. 3
  • 5 flower wires #18
  • Black marker
  • Dark pink powder colour and gold colour
  • Clear alcohol for mixing powder colours

Step 1

Bake two cakes of 15cm (12cm is fine too!) by 8cm deep and prepare a chocolate ganache the day before.

Step 2

Cut the cakes into 2cm deep layers, then using the round cutters, cut 6 disks 10cm wide and 1 disk 8cm wide.

Step 3

Assemble the cake by layering with ganache. The small disk is to be on top.

Step 4

Ganache the cake roughly to the shape of the template.

Step 5

Cut the top and bottom edge of the cake at an angle. Mix the scraps of the cake with ganache to make a “dough” which we will use to shape the rounded edges of the pot (at its base and at the top). Sculpt the cake until you get the desired shape (use the template). Be careful not to cut too much. Once you have the right shape, let the cake set in the fridge for at least 1 hour.

Step 6

When it has set cut off the top. Using a knife hollow out the top of the cake to approximately 1.5cm deep. The circle needs to be approx. 6cm diameter.

Step 7

Cover with ganache and put back in the fridge for about 30 minutes.

Step 8

Print the PDF for the cake board on a wafer paper sheet or on an icing sheet and cover a 20×20 cm cake board with white Pasta Top.

Step 9

Cut the printed sheet to the correct size. Use edible glue to fix the wafer paper or icing sheet to the cakeboard. Be careful to distribute the glue over the entire surface of the cakeboard without using too much. Let the cakeboard dry for about 15 minutes before placing the cake onto it.

Step 10

For the inside top of the jar roll the black Pasta Top and cut out a circle of 10cm diameter.

Step 11

Place the black circle on top of the cake. Fix well following the shape of the pot. Smooth as much as possible.

Step 12

Roll the yellow Pasta Top and cut a strip 38cm long by 16.5cm wide.

Step 13

Cover the sides of the cake making sure the paste adheres well. It is important to keep the shape of the cake with rounded edges top and bottom.

Step 14

Once the cake is covered and the excess paste has been removed turn the cake over to form the base. I used a modelling tool to roll the paste to the inside for a neat finish.

Step 15

Sculpt and smooth the cake until you are satisfied. Turn the cake the right side up. Cut and finish the top of the pot removing any irregularities in the paste.

Step 16

For the mouth and eyes roll black, white and pink Pasta Top to small squares.

Step 17

Using the cookie cutters cut two black ovals, one black circle and one pink circle. Using the round piping nozzles cut two white circles of each size.

Step 18

With a little water fix the small circles to the black ovals.

Step 19

Cut the black circle in half.

Step 20

With the circular cookie cutter cut a small pink crescent. Fix to the black half circel as shown.

Step 21

Use a little water to fix the eyes and the mouth to the jar. Use the template to place them in the correct position.

Step 22

For the brushes prepare two shades of beige (by mixing dark brown and white). You will need two 18 gauge wires.


Step 23

Roll a long sausage shape to approxiamtely 12cm. Roll to give a point on one end. Roll a smaller sausage shape to 8cm.

Step 24

Insert a wire into each sausage.

Step 25

In the shorter sausage the wire needs to project approxiamtely 2cm.

Step 26

Using the lighter beige roll a ball and flatten it on one side. Use a modelling tool to mark the bristles on the flat end.

Step 27

Model the bristles of the brush.

Step 28

Cut off the top and flatten a bit if necessary where it will connect to the handle.

Step 29

Press the top of the brush onto the wire of the handle. Model to make sure it fits well with the handle.

Step 30

Cut a small beige strip of paste and cover the joint.

Step 31

Smooth and blend well to hide the joint. Using a Dresden tool mark a groove around the brush.

Step 32

Mix gold powder colour with clear alcohol and paint a stripe on the handle at the base of the brush.

Step 33

Roll a little pink paste and cut out paint drips.

Step 34

Using a little water fix the drips on the bristles of the brush.

Step 35

For the pencils prepare 7 different colours and the extruder. You can use a circle or hexagon shape. Insert a little coloured paste into the extruder and press. Cut a length approximately 10-12cm long.

Step 36

Insert a wire in the center.

Step 37

Repeat for the 7 colours. Some wires need to be inserted all the way through.

Step 38

Using the beige and pink paste roll pointed cones.

Step 39

Cut a small pink point from the pink cone. Cut off the same length from the beige cone.

Step 40

Use a little water to fix the coloured tip to the beige part.

Step 41

Cut the wide end of the beige tip to give a flat end and fix it to the pencil of the same colour. Repeat using 3 or 4 different colours.

Step 42

Roll a pink strip approximately 38cm long by 12cm high. Use a sharp knife to cut the drips.

Step 43

Using a soft brush and dark pink powder dust the edge of the drips.

Step 44

Use a little water to fix the drips to the top of the jar. Make sure the drips fix well and cut the excess from the top of the pot. Using the same pink paste roll a teardrop shape and fix for more drips. 

Step 45

Using a soft brush and pink powder colour dust the cheeks.

Step 46

For the eraser prepare pink and blue Pasta Model.

Step 47

Roll an oval shape from each colour. Cut the pink oval in half and the blue slightly smaller.

Step 48

Using a little water fix the two parts together. With a black marker draw the eyes and the smiling mouth.

Step 49

Insert the pencils and brushes into the top of the pot. If necessary shorten some pencils so that they are not all the same height. Fix the eraser and a small pencil to the cakeboard.

Step 50

Use the black marker to draw the eyebrows. You can add a little white highlighting to the brush, the paint drop and on the eraser for a cute look. The pencil pot cake is now ready!

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