You will need:
- A round cake of 20cm diameter/15cm high covered with 300g Saracino white modelling chocolate
- A 24cm round cake board covered with 150g of Saracino white modeling chocolate
- Saracino Dust colors: white, red, brown, green, yellow
- Saracino gel colors: green
- 500g Saracino royal icing mix
- 100 ml Vodka
- One pointed stainless steel or plastic palette knife
- 1 flat medium brush
- 1 flat big brush
- 2/3 pcs. small piping bags

Step 1
Cover the cake and the cake board with the modelling chocolate.

Step 2
Mix some green, red and white dust color with a few drops of vodka, achieve a “paste” consistency

Step 3
Start painting the cake with red, green and white dabbing the surface of the cake

Step 4
Crumple some film and place it on the cake. Remove the film by dabbing the surface of the cake

Step 5
Paint half of the cake at a time in order to avoid drying of the colour. You should obtain a very “casual” painting

Step 6
Prepare 500g of Saracino royal icing mix. Colour a spoon of royal icing with Saracino yellow dust to obtain a deep yellow colour. Colour a spoon of white royal icing with a pinch of the previous yellow royal icing to obtain a lighter shade.

Step 7
Fill the back of the spatula with the deep yellow royal icing as shown in the picture

Step 8
First petal: Place the palette knife on the cake in the position shown.

Step 9
First press and then go down in a flat motion.

Step 10
Second petal: with the same amount of royal icing on the palette knife put the spatula in the position shown

Step 11
Go on the left with a flat motion as with the first petal

Step 12
Do another petal in the same way under the second one

Step 13
Tidy the edge of the petals with the spatula

Step 14
With a damp brush create some veins inside of the petals

Step 15
Fill the palette knife with a bit more of royal icing than before mixing the two yellows. Proceed with the fourth petal that overlaps the first petal but is more open to the left

Step 16
Tidy the edge with the damp brush

Step 17
Do another petal in the same way, using a mix of the two yellows. The edge of this petal is between the first and the second one.

Step 18
The sixth petal is put between the second and the third petal. Turn the palette knife upside down and press going up reaching the center of the flower

Step 19
Put a small quantity of yellow in the center of the flower going down with the palette knife creating a curved shape

Step 20
Tidy the center of the flower modeling it with a damp brush

Step 21
Create an open flower on the cake. Repeat the first 3 petals of the first flower but going on the right side instead of the left side

Step 22
In the same way do another three petals on the right

Step 23
Put some yellow royal icing in a small piping bag and create an oval shape in the center of the flower

Step 24
Blend the center of this shape with a damp medium brush leaving a thicker edge

Step 25
Put another bold line of royal icing on the right side of the first one leaving an hole in the middle

Step 26
Model and form the edge of this shape with a damp small brush

Step 27
Mix some green gel colour and yellow dust colour with a spoon of royal icing in order to create two different kinds of green, a medium green and a light green

Step 28
Fill just the edge of the pointed palette knife with a small quantity of royal icing

Step 29
Touch the cake just with the edge of the spatula going down from top to bottom. To achieve a thin and long shape

Step 30
Put another long shape in the same way of step 29 under the first one.

Step 31
With a small brush model the two shapes together to create a stem underneath the flower

Step 32
Fill the palette knife with some green (mix the two greens together on the palette knife) and put in on the cake in the position shown with a flat motion that goes from the top to the bottom of the cake to create a leaf.

Step 33
Model this shape with the brush creating a long stem

Step 34
Apply some more of the green royal icing to finish the stem. Tidy with a damp brush.

Step 35
Do another stem in the same way on the first flower and model it with the brush

Step 36
Repeat step 28/30 and create other leaves all around, model the edge of each leaf with the brush

Step 37
Fix the cake to the cake board.

Step 38
Divide 100g of royal icing in 3 parts and colour it with green Saracino gel, Saracino dust brown and dust red. Keep some white royal icing on one side to use later

Step 39
Mix the 3 colours together on the palette knife and paddle the surface on the cake board, ocassionaly mix some white royal icing on the 3 colours

Step 40
Put just a touch of white dust in the palette and fill the container with some drops of vodka. Do the same with some Saracino brown dust colour

Step 41
Add some touches of shadows using the brown, painting with the medium brush the stems from the bottom to the top and the inside of the open flower. Add some touches of light painting with the medium brush some white from the edges of the petals to the center of the flowers.

Step 42
Fix a “burgundy” or brown ribbon around the cake board