Skill level: BEGINNERS

You will need:

  • Body – 60g yellow Saracino modelling paste
  • Back legs – 40 g (10 g per leg) of yellow Saracino modelling paste
  • Front legs – 32g (8 g per leg) of yellow Saracino modelling paste
  • Head – 18g of yellow Saracino modelling paste
  • Ears – 2g (1g per ear) of yellow modelling paste
  • Nose – 4 g fuchsia modelling paste
  • Horns – 1g (1/2 each) fuchsia modelling paste
  • Hooves – 2g (1/2 g each) fuschia modelling paste
  • Spots – 4g fuschia modelling paste
  • Eyes – 1g black modelling paste
  • Eyes – ½ white modelling paste
  • Water or edible glue
  • Dresden tool
  • Craft knife
  • Spaghetti or a skewer for an internal support
  • Paint brush
  • Ruler

Step 1

Roll 60g of yellow modelling paste into a ball, until the paste if smooth and pliable, then shape it into the body shape, using you forefinger and thumb, start to pull up the neck shape, I made the neck 3 inches tall.

Step 2

Once it is made, twist in a piece of spaghetti or your skewer, by using a twisting motion, this will stop the neck (and all of your hard work) from loosing it’s shape.

Step 3

Using the spoon end of the dresdon tool, mark in and indent part way across the body to add shaping.

Step 4

Shape two 10g yellow balls of paste, then shape them into a basic leg shape, making sure that both are the same size and shape, using you finger an thumb, pinch the top of the leg below the hip to create more of the leg shape.

Step 5

Using the side of your hand press down gently to flatten the hip.

Step 6

Using the tip of your finger, gently tap the thin end of each leg ready for the hooves to be attached


Step 7

Attach the back legs to the body, they may adhere without any water or glue, but if it doesn’t feel secure add a tiny amount of water or glue and hold the leg in place for a few seconds.


Step 8

Roll two 8g balls and shape the front legs in the same way as you did for the back legs, once they are shaped, using your finger and thumb, bend the front legs to create a knee joint.


Step 9

Tap the thinner end of the leg to flatten ready to attach the hooves.  Attach the front legs to the body.

Step 10

Roll out an 18g ball of yellow modelling paste and shape the ball into the head shape, by rolling it gently between your hands.


Step 11

Using your fingers, flatten the thinner end of the head ready for the nose to be attached.


Step 12

Carefully attach the head to the body, by twisting it onto the body.  Using your finger and thumb, add shape to the face.


Step 13

Using the spoon end of your dresden tool, press into create the eye sockets.


Step 14

Roll two 1g balls of yellow paste, then shape them into tear drop shape by rolling them between your fingers, place them in front of your with the pointed side pointing away from you and using the spoon end of the dresden tool, press this gently into the paste to create the shape of the ear. Attach the ears to the sides of the head.

Step 15

Roll out a 4g ball of fuchsia modelling paste, then roll it into a sausage shape and using your thumb and finger gently press the ends to flatten them.  Attach the nose to the face and gently smooth the nose onto the face to blend it in.



Step 16

Using your knife, gently cut in a mouth and using the pointed end of your dresden tool, add in two nostrils.

Step 17

Roll out 1g of fuchsia paste into a sausage shape and cut it in half, shape this into the horns and leave them aside to dry a little before attaching them.  Using the pointed end of the dresden tool, make two holes on the top of the head for the horns to sit into.


Step 18

Roll out and flatten a small sausage shape of fuchsia paste and attach it to the face above the nose, add texture to this using the pointed end of your dresdon tool and your knife.

Step 19

Roll out four ½ balls of fuchsia paste and attach it to the bottom of each leg to create the hoof shape, flatten down the bottom of the ball once it is attached.


Step 20

Roll out three or four thin sausages of fuchsia paste, to around 1 inch in length, then pinch them in the centre and twist and flatten the top to attach to the giraffe.

Step 21

Roll out lots of tiny and small balls of fuchsia modelling paste and flatten them as you attach them to the body, use your dresden tool to press out the dots into slightly different shapes over the body.

Step 22

Roll out two small balls of black paste, big enough to fit into the eye sockets without protruding.  Roll out two tiny dots of white and add a little water to the eye and attach, make sure that the white is in the same position in both eyes. Using a very small amount of black paste, roll out a very thin sausage and attach above the eyes. You can also add eyelashes if you like.



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